Monday, May 24, 2010

The Waiting Game

I have been watching WAY too much Law and Order lately. Probably because I have nothing else to do. My daughter will be here in 2 days! With all this excitement I don't sleep much. But when I do get a little rest I have the weirdest dreams. For instance- I had a dream that I was laying on my couch in a very nice apartment somewhere. I woke up to my "husband" choking me! We were struggling in the living room and I could hear my daughter crying. I grabbed a remote and started hitting him in the head with it. Just long enough for him to let go of my neck a little bit. I broke free and ran to get my gun (btw I don't really have a gun...yet). I'm in the kitchen and it's totally a scene from Sleeping With the Enemy. He's super cocky like I'm not gunna shoot him. He's actually laughing at me!! So I shot him. Shot each knee cap and shot him in the balls. When the police came and I told them the story they got a good laugh out of it and told me it was self defense and I should press charges against him for breaking and entering and attempted murder! LOL. I should probably just stick to HGTV.

Like I said earlier she'll be here in 2 days! She's breech and I have to go in for a c-section. At first I was super disappointed and scared. Now I'm fine with it. I am actually looking forward to it. There is a certain level of control that having a c-section gives me. No guessing if "this" it or when will it happen? I already know when. I know I'm such a control freak. It's a little strange knowing that in 2 days my life will be..not my life. A whole new life. I will officially be a mommy. Weird. I will have to keep you all posted on what life as a mommy living with her mommy living with her mommy-in-law is like!

Talked with the "husband" today. He wanted to get together to get his mail, checkbooks and talk about insurance stuff. Hmmm, insurance stuff? He proceeds to tell me that he is quitting/getting fired on Friday. Now that's an interesting concept. How does one quit slash get fired? I was always under the impression that you either did one or the other. But I could be wrong. I have been known to be wrong about other things. So what about the insurance? You won't have any after Friday so what is there to talk about? He just wanted to make sure that I would cover the baby. Of course because I do EVERYTHING for the baby as is. He also tells me he won't have any provable income after Friday as he will be working for himself. Not sure what that has to do with me. But ok. So I asked him why not just let them fire you instead of quitting so you can file unemployment? "No I don't want to do that. I just want to cut ties with them." The real answer is you owe the unemployment office money and can't file. Hahahaha. This whole conversation is priceless. We were supposed to meet up today so I could give him his mail. But he blew me off to go to the beach. That's fine. I live a thousand miles away anyway, so I probably wouldn't have made it.

I guess that's what's going on in a nutshell. Just waiting for Thursday. I will of course be posting my exciting birthstory as I know everyone is eager to hear it! Tick tock tick tock...


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Umm.... doesn't he know your due date? He wants to meet about the "mail". How about let's meet so I can discuss how I can be there for delivery of my daughter. Geesh!!!
